Improving the usability, accessibility and user interaction on your company’s website will help you improve user experience and turn your website visitors into happy and loyal customers. Great user experience is the key for brand loyalty and customer retention. The studies have shown that 88% of people are less likely to go back to a […]
5 Signs Your Freelance Business is Ready to go Full Time
In today’s increasingly digitised society, people are no longer required to hold down a standard 9-5 job as we witness a transformation in how we view job security. The digital economy has transformed how we make money, it has also paved the way for new job positions including freelancers. Freelancing is not exactly new, but […]
4 Decisions You’ll Face in the First Year of a New Business
The bold step of starting a business is behind you and now it’s all about managing the business to ensure profitability and success particularly during the early days. Running a company is tough and decision-making is less of a cool image than what we had imagined growing up. The decisions you make should be strategic, […]
The Subtle Art of Acing at Event Branding
Esteemed companies are known for more than just their products or brands – they’re also known for events that make a bold statement. We’re talking about breaking world records and hosting extravagant fashion shows which demonstrate the brilliance of today’s event branding experts. The act of branding an event has undergone a massive transformation in […]